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First step for ISO 14001 and QC 080000 certification

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 3,638회 작성일 09-02-13 10:48


Dear our valued customers,
Today we implement new plan for ISO 14001 and QC 080000 IECQ HSPM.
ISO 14001 is "Environmental Management Standard" and it is basically following ISO 9001 management
system however added new requirements for environmental management system and requirements.
QC 080000 IECQ HSPM is "Electrical and Electronic Components and Products Hazardous Substance
Process Management System Requirements".
QC 080000 is also based on ISO 9001 management system and added new system requirements for
hazardous substance free.
Therefore QC 080000 will cover RoHS, WEEE and US Standard EIA/ECCB-954.
US Standard EIA/ECCB-954 is Electrical and Electronic Components and Product Hazardous Substance Free
Standard and Requirements.
Since EU started RoHS, "hazardous substance free" became a new requirement for future business therefore
I believe it is right time we start new management system for our company.
We are going to establish management system to meet requirements for "Hazardous Substance Free" and
even though we should use more expensive components and material.
We will also change our manufacturing facilities to follow the requirements.
We have been operating our company based on ISO 9001 management system therefore I hope we can
get certification for ISO 14001 and QC 080000 IECQ HSPM on early next year.
Environmental Management became a matter of worldwide primary concern.
Therefore we, Je Woo, will do our best to produce green life safety products in future.
Your patronage and support for our efforts to produce "Green Products" will be very much appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Kenny Lee, President
Je Woo Corporation, Ltd.


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Total 19건 1 페이지


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